Sunday, October 04, 2009

Touching the stars - WSC Howl

My Friday afternoons are made happier by the arrival of an irreverant newsletter from Half Decent Football Magazine When Saturday Comes called the Weekly Howl. I submitted a story this week which they've run. Here it is: Touching the stars Playing with or against footballers, or indeed a celebrity of any kind I played for Blackburn Rovers Supporters Club, London branch, in the APFSCIL league throughout the 1990s (my party piece is pausing after the first five words of that sentence). I'd met this lad from Darwen, called Neil Arthur, who used to front up synth-poppers Blancmange. He seemed to be able to play football a bit and supported Rovers, so came along to stake a claim to a place in our struggling side. Everyone in the team knew who he was. But for three weeks no one mentioned it. Until one lad, a copper, blurted out: "Right, Mr Pop Star what are you up to these days?" Anecdotes flew around and giddy questions fired at him until the non-PC PC asked him bluntly if he was thinking of getting Blancmange back together. A diplomatic answer followed, a less sensitive reply came back: "Come on Neil, there's always room in the charts for a couple of poofs with a synthesiser." 

Such appalling behaviour was utterly abhorrent to this group of northern liberals, so we expelled the copper from the team. Link to the full Howl is here.

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