Thursday, July 26, 2007

Floods - the North South divide

Martin Wainwright writes with his usual good humour on the Guardian North email today:

The north has been impressively good-humoured over the yawning imbalance in media coverage of our floods compared with those down south (and west). I've had my say on Comment is Free. Link is here. and I urge you to have yours, specially if you agree with me. But we are clinging to our tradition of messing these things up. Hull's plaintive claim to be the "forgotten city" now shows signs of shifting towards "the city that can't add up". Estimates two weeks ago that 16,000 houses had been flooded have been cut to nearer 6,000, according to the Hull Daily Mail, which explans that the first guess was based only on a sample of streets. I urge you, however, to read the furious "Your Say" email responses from victims. Someone called Madeline, for example, says in capital letters that it is all because WE ARE TURNING AWAY FROM GOD, while a Mr Wheel of Filey respondes: "Madeline is from Planet Zog."

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