Monday, August 13, 2007

Don't walk away, in silence

The tributes to Tony Wilson have been amazing. I think the depth of love for one of the true legends of the modern Manchester has been really moving. As for the earthquake, well, that was you wasn't it Tone?

There's a great pic of Ant and Vet on the front page of the MEN tonight and a lovely story, here.

Here's the Manchester Confidential story, followed by a wonderful tribute board, here.

Rachel spotted someone washing spray painted slogans away from the wall of the Hacienda. I hope it was suitably rebellious and respectful of his memory. "The Hacienda must be rebuilt", or "Don't Walk Away, in Silence".

Already there are loads of ideas knocking around for a suitable tribute. I had coffee with Steve Connor to see how the Pennine Lancashire project can keep its momentum.

We will also be flying the North West flag at half mast.

1 comment:

Steve Connor said...

It's funny Michael - I was thinking about the Northwest flag and the whole devolution story...

Tony was passionate about the need to unshackle ourselves from a distracted and self-serving capital (London) and get a greater say in how our money was being spent and our affairs directed...

He used to talk about how the 'Geordies fucked it for the rest of us' when they voted 'No' to regional devolution and how what was left on the table was utterly and tragically inadequate.

Wilson was right. We were short-changed massively. In his memory we should return again to the North-South divide and the duff deal we get from Whitehall.