I have a thing about messageboard etiquette and the posting of anonymous comments.
Earlier this week Simon Binns of ManCon got the owner of the Britannia Hotel to speak about the threat of a compulsory purchase order on the Old Fire Station, a building that could be a civic treasure, but is in a shocking state. Owner Alex Langham has his say, Manchester City Council reply. Context is provided, but comment is not. It's called reporting.
The story is here.
In the comments underneath there's one from Anonymous, as follows:
"Hardly the most illuminating of interviews. Has someone cut mancon's claws? Where's the demands for an explanation of how this company has allowed a building like this to rot for 25 YEARS!!! pardon the shouting, but come on - this reads like Trevor macdonald interviewing the queen. I hope you asked "is there anything else mr langsam would like to add?". Brittannia's actions have been shameful and the sooner this landmark site is taken off them the better."
Is it just me, but doesn't this display in one paragraph the delicious irony of an anonymous poster lecturing an experienced journalist on matters of courage? And doesn't it also show the value of honest balanced enquiry as opposed to shrill demanding outrage. Afterall, who got Langsham to speak and raise the issue again? Exactly.
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